Why you should invest in Turkey?

When you decide as a capital owner to invest your money in a project, you essentially need to choose the project that suits you, and most importantly you need to determine the place you need to invest in, as there are many studies showing that Turkey is the number one state globally in investing, as it’s the place which motivate business men to come to it.

What are the most important motivations to invest in Turkey:

1. Stability and the ability to amend investment laws in Turkey:

Investing in Turkey is considered one of the easiest investments in the world, as the Turkish government is the first contributor in these offered facilities such as reducing the barriers that stand in the way for foreign investors and reducing costs, and Turkey is considered a suitable country and fertile ground for business, so in only six days you can establish a company and establish your own business.

2. The remarkable development of the infrastructure in Turkey:

This is an obvious element in Turkey, especially with its advanced technologies, either in communications or in transportation, and one of the most important advancements in its infrastructure is in transportation like rail transportation from Turkey all the way to Europe, and regarding in maritime transportation its not only developed, it offers cheap prices.

3. Law tax rates:

It’s an important thing which makes investors prefer Turkey in particular and not other countries in the world, is that tax rates are low in favor of the investor, for example in industrial fields, or in technological advancements fields, investor will get low tax rates and some companies have been completely exempted from taxes.

4. A transportation method to the continent of Europe:

Turkish state is considered the thread that connects the continent of Europe with the middle east, through it, energy resources is being transported to other continents, as Turkey in general is a neighbor to almost 70% of the world's energy resource reserves, here lies its importance to Europe, as Turkey is considered the most important port to the continent of Europe.

5. Developed economy:

It’s well known that the Turkish economy has achieved a very high numbers and came to the forefront, and in the last years it has doubled from what it was before, also, the Turkish economy is stable and steady in the meantime, and for the future, its promising to fly high.

6. Population:

The huge population in any country is an important factor for the success of the investment project. Today we are talking about 85 million people, and this is a large number that encourages the investor to take the investment step in Turkey.

What are the advantages of investing in Turkey:

  1. Strategic location.
  2. High ratio of young population.
  3. Skilled and competitive workforce.
  4. Largest energy station and passage.
  5. Large domestic markets.
  6. Membership in the European Customs Union.
  7. A renewed and liberal economic structure.
  8. Evolving and developing economy.

How to be careful when looking for the best investment in Turkey?

In the middle of the comprehensive renaissance witnessed by the modern Turkey, the foreign investor finds themselves in a sea of wide investment options extending over the country like agriculture investment, food and industrial investment, and real estate investment in Turkey with all the details these fields have, therefore you see many foreign investors in Turkey resort to experts in various fields to get to the facts of matters away from the forgery and misleading that some may practice, in addition to benefiting from economic feasibility studies and estimating the appropriate moment to enter into investment.

Is real estate investment the best investment in Turkey?

There are many reasons, we’ll try to explain them:

  1. The current economic situation in Turkey, which provide foreign investors good investing opportunities with high feasibility, and obtain the Turkish citizenship as a result to these investments.
  2. Laws in Turkey do not require investing in certain types of real estate, which means that the foreign investor is free to choose from a wide verity of options like apartments, lands, and commercial buildings and others.
  3. The investor’s families are granted the right to obtain the Turkish citizenship.

Finally, we in Horizon Turk Real Estate accompany our clients for safe and successful investments. If you want to be part of our successful family, we are happy to join you whenever you want.

The first step to enter Horizon Turk is to contact our expert team, we’re happy to help at any time.

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