Permanent Residency in Turkey, Its Conditions and How to Obtain it

In the recent years Turkey has become a center of attraction and an important interest to many people from different countries on all investment levels, tourism, education, and medicine, from this point many people including investors in Turkey seek to turn their residency into a long-term residence permit.

Types of Residence Permits in Turkey:

  1. Tourist residence permit in Turkey (short-term)
  2. Real estate residence permit (through Purchasing a property in Turkey)
  3. Work residence permit in Turkey
  4. Student residence permit in Turkey
  5. Humanitarian residence permit in Turkey
  6. Family residence permit

If the resident in Turkey completes 8 continuous years legally, they have the right to request a permanent residency, there are many conditions for that.

Conditions of Obtaining Permanent Residency in Turkey:

  • Permanent residence permit is being granted on Turkish land by the approval of the Ministry of Interior for the foreigner residing on its lands for 8 continuous years without interruption.
  • According to the 38th term of the Turkish law, 8 continuous years without interruption is being calculated to all types of permits except for student permit as its is calculated in half the period.
  • The resident should not have gotten any social aid during the last three years.
  • The resident’s income should be enough for living expenses for them and their family regularly.
  • The resident should have a valid health insurance.
  • The resident should not be a threat to the order and general security in Turkey.

Advantages and Details of The Permanent Residency in Turkey:

  • Permanent residency is not granted to refugees or temporary protection holders or humanitarian residency holders.
  • Foreigners with permanent residency in Turkey can enjoy most of the rights of the Turkish citizens, except for some major rights like military service, candidacy for elections, voting, importing vehicles, or work at the public jobs in the governments.
  • Permanent residence holder can reserve all their rights regarding insurances.
  • Permanent residence permits in Turkey are being issued for indefinite period.

Documents Required to Apply for Permanent Residency in Turkey:

  • Residence permit application form.
  • A copy of the Passport or a travel statement with the original.
  • Providing the prior residence permit.
  • Two personal images in the size of passport images.
  • Proof document showing that the applicant did not get any social aid from institutions and non-governmental organizations during the last three years in Turkey.
  • A statement proving that the financial income is enough and permanent during the residency period in Turkey.
  • Not judged document.
  • Health insurance (sigorta)
  • Permanent residency application.
  • Home address statement.

After collecting all the previous documents into one file, it should be submitted to the Turkish Ministry of Interior, the General Directorate of Immigration.

Procedures of Granting the Permanent Residency in Turkey:

After meeting al the conditions to obtain the permanent residency in Turkey, foreigners residing on Turkish lands can obtain the permanent residency, as it takes certain procedures and approval from the state administration and the Minister of the Interior, then the applicant will receive the permanent residency after the approval of the authorities after verifying the conditions are met, and the permit holder should stay in Turkey for 180 days a year uninterrupted.

Obtaining this residency offers the opportunity tolive in Turkey freely without worrying about the residency validity period.

Important Reasons for Cancellation or Refusal Permanent Residency in Turkey:

Permanent residency can be cancelled or refused by the Turkish government in these cases:

  • If this foreigner residing in Turkey is a serious threat to public order and security.
  • To stay outside of Turkey for a period more than one year uninterrupted, except for health issues, military service, or education in the origin country.

According to the cases above and the residency system in Turkey, the permit can be cancelled by the Directorate of Immigration in the Turkish states.

Residence permits in Turkey vary in types, as it is a window to achieve what you want, and the permanent residency in Turkey is one of the most useful and featureful residencies as it grants its holder many privileges which makes their life easier.

Turkish government has offered many facilities for those interested in obtaining permanent residency or other types of residencies, this is to support the foreigner investor and make Turkey their mane destination.

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