Cases of Withdrawal of Turkish Citizenship From Those Who Have Obtained it

Turkish government offers many facilities for foreign investors who are interested in investing in Turkey, one of the most important facilities is the law of granting Turkish citizenship through Real estate ownership in 2017, but at the same time another law has come to place which allows withdrawal of citizenship from foreigner and native Turkish citizens if they take action that leads to the issuance of an urgent decision by the Turkish court to cancel and withdraw Turkish citizenship, and according to the term number 29 from the Turkish citizenship law number 5901, the Turkish citizenship can be withdrawn by an order from the Ministry of Interior and the Turkish Council of Ministers in case the Turkish citizen has proven his involvement in five cases.

What are the Cases in Which Turkish Citizenship Must Be Withdrawn from Its holders?

1. Working for a foreign country voluntarily that has interests which are not compatible with the Turkish state:
Turkey will withdraw the Turkish citizenship if the person was convicted in working voluntarily and giving services for a foreign country that its interests are not compatible with the Turkish state’s interests, and when proving that, a notification will be sent from all the Turkish consulate abroad or through the heads of local administrations within Turkey in order to abandon or leave this work within a maximum period of 3 months, and if the given period is over and the person did not comply and continued cooperating with that country, an official order will be issued to withdraw the Turkish citizenship from him

2. Working with a country that is in war with Turkey:
The constitution of the Turkish citizenship states that if the native Turkish citizen or who obtained the Turkish citizenship to cooperate with his own free will with a foreign country that is in a war state with Turkey, then the citizenship will be withdrawn immediately, except for individuals that are working with the local authorities in Turkey like: intelligence work or something like it if it is for the Turkish state interest and its national security.
3. A Turkish citizen joins the military service of a foreign country without obtaining permission from Turkey:
Some people who are living outside of Turkey might join the military service voluntarily for other country, even if that country was a friend of Turkey but without the permission of the Turkish state, that action will require Turkey to withdraw the Turkish citizenship from this person, but in case of submitting an official request to the Turkish authorities to obtain that permission, then the person will be exempted from citizenship withdrawal.

4. Committing one of the crimes stipulated in the Turkish penal code:
If a Turkish citizen commits a constitutional violation or a crime, he loses the citizenship and it will be withdrawn, these violations are stipulated in the Turkish law with these numbers:
(302, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315)
from the Turkish penal code number 5237 issued in 26 September 2004, and when committing one of these mentioned crimes the Turkish citizen is subject to investigation and trial, here, the Turkish government and the authorities will demand the withdrawal of the Turkish citizenship from the perpetrators, but if the perpetrators was outside of Turkey, the person will be notified to get back to Turkey, and in case the criminal did not answer and get back to Turkey within three months, a notification of withdrawal of Turkish citizenship will be sent based on the decision of the Council of Ministers and published in the official Turkish newspaper.

5. Obtaining Turkish citizenship through providing false information:
One of the cases that cause the withdrawal of the Turkish citizenship according to the Turkish laws is providing forged documents or hiding essential facts during the application stage of the Turkish citizenship in order to obtain it, as some foreigners interested in obtaining the Turkish citizenship and the Turkish passport might provide forged documents and papers showing that the person has invested in Turkey within the required conditions or proved that he purchased a property with a value of 400 thousand Euro with the title deed but it is only forged documents in order to obtain the Turkish citizenship, if the Turkish state discovers these fake papers, they will be rejected immediately and their owner will be referred for investigation, in the event of a decision to naturalize or obtain Turkish citizenship, a decision will be issued by the Turkish Council of Ministers to withdraw and cancel Turkish citizenship.

What are the Rights That Turkish Citizenship Holders Get?
Turkish government grants citizenship according to the term 12 of the Turkish law, names are selected by the Ministry of Housing or the Turkish Council of Ministers, the person will pass through many stages before obtaining the Turkish citizenship then he will get all the rights and duties just like any native Turkish citizen, among those rights:

  1. The individual will enjoy all the civil, economic, political, and social rights.
  2. The ability to own properties and the right to vote freely in the country.
  3. Reviewing civil registry departments in order to extract all identification papers.
  4. Traveling to 72 countries without the need to obtain a visa.
  5. Benefiting from the medical and educational free services that the Turkish citizens enjoy.
  6. The ability to keep the original citizenship.
  7. Exemption from the military service in case the individual is older than 22.
  8. Working without the need for a work permit.

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